Attorney Signup

Have your clients taken their required debtor education class as required by BAPCPA 2005?

Was the provider approved by the US Trustees?

Is the Certificate your client presented to the Bankruptcy Court fraudulent?

Are you sure?

ESQ Accounts ™ are FREE to participating bankruptcy attorneys.

An ESQ Account(tm) will allow you to:

1. Enroll bankruptcy clients in their required Personal Financial Management Instructional Course directly through
* Ensures that your clients will enroll in the course
* Ensures that your clients enroll with an approved provider
2. Receive Certificates of Course Completion directly in your e-mail inbox
* Ensures that Certificates are not lost
* Ensures that Certificates are not fraudulent
3. Review and monitor client progress at
4. Have 24/7 access to your accounts from any computer
5. Receive monthly e-mail invoices detailing your account activity

Attorney Signup

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